High Contrast. High Resolution.

Advanced Imaging with ICON™ Ophthalmic Imaging System

Transform Your Ophthalmic Practice with ICON - The Imaging System with Patented Direct Illumination™ for Superior Retinal Imaging.
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Unveiling Unmatched Clarity: Exceptional Image Quality in ROP Screening

Experience the pinnacle of diagnostic precision captured by our advanced ROP screening camera, showcasing exceptional image quality that sets a new standard in medical imaging

ROP Retina Image like RetCam from ICON
ROP Retina Image like RetCam from ICON
ROP Retina Image like RetCam from ICON
ROP Retina Image like RetCam from ICON
ROP Retina Image like RetCam from ICON

Exceptional Image Quality

The ICON™ employs a proprietary optical design that incorporates Direct Illumination for superior retinal imaging quality, especially on darkly pigmented fundi.
Direct Illumination technology is optimized for high-resolution and high-contrast imaging while minimizing scatter at the edge of the field of view.
The system's single lens enables a comprehensive 100-degree wide field of view for retina surveying, providing illumination throughout the entire field of view with the same resolution as a legacy 30º high mag lens.
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Hospitals Accross the World Rely on ICON - Here Are a Few
OHSU LogoNationwdie Hospital LogoWillsEye Hospital LogoChildrens Hospital of PhiladelphiaCleveland Clinic LogoCorewell Health LogoUCLA Health logo
OHSU LogoNationwdie Hospital LogoWillsEye Hospital LogoChildrens Hospital of PhiladelphiaCleveland Clinic LogoCorewell Health LogoUCLA Health logo

New and Improved Handpiece

ICON's reinvented optics and imaging technology provides critical information from stunning images; allowing you to provide the same level of quality care to all of your patients.

Reduce Stress on Patients

The handpiece uses a low power light emitting diode (LED) and the very latest in sensitive CMOS sensor technology, allowing for low light levels, which reduces stress on sensitive patients.

Reduce Costly Repairs

State of the art light cable designed by users to remove heavy or fragile fiberoptic cable.

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You can reach us anytime via hello@theneolight.com
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Reduce Work & Error with DICOM Integration

Easily export images for automatic transfer to a DICOM-compliant PACS using C-STORE. Download modality worklist from PACS/RIS and eliminate patient data entry on the ICON Camera


Capture, Review & Secure: Streamlined Medical Imaging with Enhanced Security

Easily capture still images, video, and Flash Back video. Review and export with ease. Meet healthcare security requirements with a security hardened version of Windows 10, encryption of data at rest, user roles, strong passwords, and audit logging.
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Fluorescein Angiogram of newborn eye using ICON camera

Streamlined Bedside FA: Enhanced Comfort with ICON's Low-Intensity Blue Light LED Module

We made it simple. Snap the blue light LED module into the hand piece and flip the integrated switch for the barrier filter. You’re ready to capture stunning FA bedside.

We made the experience more comfortable for the patient by reducing injected light levels. What’s more, the ICON blue light intensity is significantly lower than legacy systems.

Innovative Handpiece Design with Infection Control for Safe and Hygienic Image Capture

Ensuring safe and hygienic image capture is of the utmost importance to us. We have designed a hand piece holster that includes a soaking cup, simplifying the process of disinfecting between patients. Moreover, our software features a built-in hand piece soak timer that generates an infection control audit log for all camera cleaning events.
Clean the ICON camera handpiece with unit-based levels of care: cleaning, intermediate level disinfection, high level disinfection     
Create audit logs of cleaning processes to ensure proper documentation is available
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The ICON Cart comes equipped with a height adjustable cart, ideal for imaging in the NICU and OR.


The ICON GO is a lightweight, portable system capable of supporting large remote networks and inter-hospital subspecialties(PICU, ER, etc.)

Request Your Customized Demo

You can reach us anytime via hello@theneolight.com
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